Top Ten tips for securing your home | Fitted Home Alarms UK

Top Ten tips for securing your home blog

Top Ten tips for securing your home blog

1.Don’t leave your keys or ID documents within easy reach of doors, letterboxes or windows.

2.Close and lock all doors and windows. If you have multi-locking door handles, lift the handle, lock it with the key and remove it – LIFT – LOCK – REMOVE. Put the key in a safe place out of sight in case of fire.

3.Lock garages and sheds so garden tools and ladders can’t be used to break into your home.

4.Keep side gates locked and wheelie bins stored behind them.

5.Use timer switches linked to lights and a radio so it appears that someone is at home.

6.Invest in a safe for valuables and sentimental items and securely fix it to a solid surface.

7.Install a visible intruder alarm system – burglars don’t want to be seen or heard.

8.Install low level ‘dusk till dawn’ lighting to increase visibility and deter burglars.

9.Keep side and rear boundaries high to restrict access and front boundaries low to remove hiding places.

10.Photograph and mark valuables and sentimental items with your postcode and house number/name

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Burglar alarms and home security | Fitted Home Alarms UK

Burglar alarms

Burglar alarms

Wireless burglar alarm

Alarms can be either wired or wireless. Wireless alarms look nicer, are generally easier to install and can be removed more easily if you move house. They use battery-powered sensors that communicate with a control panel using radio signals.

Wired burglar alarm

While this type of alarm tends to be cheaper to install professionally, or can be fitted yourself, the alarms themselves can be more expensive. Wired systems usually need to be installed by a professional, as the wires will need to be hidden, so labour costs are higher.

Bells-only burglar alarm

When a bells-only (also called audible) alarm is triggered, it makes a loud noise, which will hopefully alert someone in the area to the situation and/or scare off an intruder. However, unlike a monitored alarm or one with a speech dialler, it won’t automatically contact a named person or the police, so there is no guarantee that anything will be done.

Choose the right burglar alarm installer.

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Protect-Tricks against burglary | Fitted Home Alarms UK

Fitted Home Alarms UK

Fitted Home Alarms UK

Here are some tips that will help you protect your assets more effectively:

Some communities have neighbourhood watch programs that organize a group of people to watch for thieves and work together for community security.

Burglars will have nowhere to hide. Your neighbours should be able to see the front and back of your home.

Like the proverb says, opportunity makes thieves. Just the presence of certain objects around your home could encourage someone to use them to break in through a door or window.

Inside and outdoors, lights connected to an automatic timer or motion detector are particularly useful to deter thieves, especially during extended absences.

Have your mail picked up and keep the garage door locked at all times. Also, give a key to someone you trust.

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Fitted Home Alarms Ltd
1 Twyford Place
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Lincoln Road
High Wycombe
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We are open 7 days.

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The basics of burglar alarms that everyone should consider | Fitted Home Alarms UK

Fitted Home Alarms UK

Fitted Home Alarms UK

We should consider three primary components before installing burglar alarms. These are essential to prevent a burglar from breaking into your home and stealing your valuables.

These include:

-the central control panel
-additional detection devices
-a siren or sounding device

Your central control panel is the brains of your burglar alarms as it processes essential data that is sent to it by the detection devices integrated in your system so as to make a decision what action it ought to take once the alarms are triggered. Depending on how you got programmed your system, the siren can be triggered to go off immediately or it can be placed on a time-delayed set up.
On the other hand, if your system is connected to a 24-hour monitoring service, there may be no need for a siren at all as this will not be a required component. You will be able to additionally use central control panel for equipping or disarming your burglar alarms by using the keypad or by using a remote device. You can also program it to include or leave out different zones within the home or around your property if you want.

There are hard-wired and wireless burglar alarms and the central control panel on the hard-wired systems is typically larger than those on the wireless systems. Regardless, all of these detection devices must be wired to the central control panel, hence the need for them to be larger than the control panels that are used for wireless alarms. These require minimal wiring and a smaller area to mount them in.

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Fitted Home Alarms Ltd
1 Twyford Place
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We are open 7 days.

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6 things to consider before you purchase any burglar alarms | Fitted Home Alarms UK

Fitted Home Alarms UK

Fitted Home Alarms UK

-Survey the home and its property
-Make a list of 3-6 burglar alarm companies in your area
-Don’t forget about 24-hour monitoring services
-Look at the lifestyle of everyone in the home
-The key component is the central control panel
-Always do research before making your purchase

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Fitted Home Alarms Ltd
1 Twyford Place
Lincolns Inn Office Village
Lincoln Road
High Wycombe
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Call today : 0800 193 8727, 020 3137 8727

We are open 7 days.
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Fitted Home Alarms UK

Fitted Home Alarms UK

While purchasing a home alarm we should aware of its servicing and maintenance. It just to ensure your equipment is working properly. Fitted home alarms provide expert servicing. It delivers the performance and reliability you need.

If you have an alarm that needs servicing we can offer you solutions at one off costs to you, even if the alarm was not installed by us. We can also repair or replace parts of the system to get it up and running. We can repair and service any of the systems from the following manufacturers: Yale, Visonic, Infinite Prime and Commpact.

We also offer maintenance packages. Regular servicing helps to maintain the performance of an alarm system. Fitted Home Alarms provide alarm maintenance service for residential properties. Regular servicing of an alarm system ensures the system’s reliability and durability. Most alarms needs service once a year. It is sensible and cost effective to have regular alarm services done than to have breakdown repairs.

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Fitted Home Alarms Ltd
1 Twyford Place
Lincolns Inn Office Village
Lincoln Road
High Wycombe
HP12 3RE

Phone: 0800 193 8727
020 3137 8727

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Situational Crime Prevention Responses | Fitted Home Alarms UK

Fitted Home Alarms UK

Fitted Home Alarms UK

-Installing burglar alarms
-Installing closed-circuit television (CCTV)
-Marking property
-Increasing occupancy indicators
-Creating safe havens
-Implementing Neighborhood Watch (NW) programs
-Improving visibility

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Fitted Home Alarms Ltd
1 Twyford Place
Lincolns Inn Office Village
Lincoln Road
High Wycombe
HP12 3RE

Call today : 0800 193 8727, 020 3137 8727
We are open 7 days.

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Fitted Home Alarms UK

Fitted Home Alarms UK

Drug use was the most frequently reported motive given by women

Top crimes women are most associated with:

-Theft from shops
-Burglary of all kinds
-Production, supply and possession with intent
-To supply a Class A controlled drug
-Summary motoring offences
-Handling stolen goods

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Fitted Home Alarms Ltd
1 Twyford Place
Lincolns Inn Office Village
Lincoln Road
High Wycombe
HP12 3RE

Call today : 0800 193 8727, 020 3137 8727
We are open 7 days.

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Fitted Home Alarms UK

Fitted Home Alarms UK

Research over more than 400 burglars discovers the logical motivation behind the act of burglary. An exclusive look into the minds of burglars provides insight into intruders’ motivations and methods. These studies make us to understand about their new techniques. It really helps us to understand about the gender differences in Burglarary. When choosing a target place for burglary they have a close look on traffic, business homes, and alarm systems dogs inside. They also keep an alternate target place.83% of the burglars’ check whether there is an alarm system. Most of them discontinue the attempt if they find the presence of alarms.

More than half of the burglaries occurred in homes while 31% of them occurred in commercial spaces .Most of the burglars enters through windows or front doors. Left using the method of plucking locks or using the duplicate keys. Women preferred to burglar homes and residences during the noon time, while men focused on late evenings and business persons.

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Fitted Home Alarms Ltd
1 Twyford Place
Lincolns Inn Office Village
Lincoln Road
High Wycombe
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We are open 7 days.

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Why fitted is the best alarm company in UK? | Fitted Home Alarms UK

Fitted Home Alarms UK

Fitted Home Alarms UK

Burglary is one of the serious offences that UK is facing recent days. A large number of burglaries taking place in various areas of UK. Even though the authority has taken security measures burglary is still happening. And the most interesting finding is 32% of burglary is committed by the children.

Several alarm companies have started in the recent years, but Fitted Home Alarm Company brings a new change in their products, service and distribution. They offered Zen percent quality on their products and services and installations are done within five days with warranty. Their major home alarm products include Yale, Visionic, Infinite Prime, Risco and Commpact .Their safe include Fire safes, certified safes, and security safes and they also deals with the cctv cameras. They are professionals in burglar alarm fittings. They also provide alarm programming and Training.
They currently operate in Bedfordshire, Berkshire, Buckinghamshire, Cambridge shire, East Sussex, Gloucestershire, Greater London, Hampshire, Hertfordshire, Kent, Leicestershire, Northampton shire, Oxford shire, Surrey, Warwickshire, West Midlands, West Sussex and Wiltshire.

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Fitted Home Alarms Ltd
1 Twyford Place
Lincolns Inn Office Village
Lincoln Road
High Wycombe
HP12 3RE

Call today : 0800 193 8727, 020 3137 8727
We are open 7 days.

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